The Wiz We Know and Love: Wiz Khalifa – G Shyt

I’ll admit that I haven’t been listening to a lot of Wiz lately. Since he went mainstream, I’ve been a lot less interested in his music. Not to say that he’s not a good artist or that I’m one of those “oh I can’t listen to them ’cause they’re mainsteam now” kind of guys…but the Wiz Khalifa that I was introduced to a while back just gave me better vibes.

And he definitely didn’t use autotune…

This new track was previously unreleased, and brings us back to the ‘Kush and OJ’ vibe that I felt when I first listened to Wiz’ mixtapes. That, and it has a sick guitar solo in it. I hope everyone enjoys it just as much as I do. Just in time for warmer weather too.

Help yourself to this tune.